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Coming Up with Creative Incentives for Getting Vaccinated Your chance to get a lap dance, colonoscopy, or early parole — for free!

“Anheuser-Busch announced that the beer’s on them on July the Fourth,”

West Virginia has come up with its own lottery scheme

A host of other companies are also offering an array of incentives, including Krispy Kreme, Target, Kroger, Microsoft, and Doordash, which has spawned a long list of new vaccination incentives:

Celeste’s European Wax and Scream Spa in Lubbock, Texas will be offering free Brazilian waxing for vaccinated men who have never experienced the thrill of having the hair covering their testicles ripped out by the root.

Not to be outdone, thousands of small businesses and practices across the country have decided to get in on the action by offering their own incentives, like free root canals at the Daryl B Payne Dental Group in Mobile, AL, discounted tonsillectomies at the Jack Kevorkian Drive-through Medical Clinic in Hurt, Virginia, and free condoms at all participating CVS drugstores.

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