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How to Clean Your Bum And other important product descriptions you may have missed

Warning: discontinue use if you develop blue vision, oily stools, bleeding nipples, black tongue disease, or rectal bleeding.

Warning: Keep the product out of reach of teenage boys near drinking age. Discontinue use if you begin to experience hallucinations, vertigo, uncontrolled flatulence, limb spasticity, or prolonged hiccups.

Warning: Exceeding 75 PSI may result in spontaneous pneumothorax of the vestibular canals. Do not attempt procedure while driving, text messaging, eating hot soup, or meeting your in-laws for the first time. Seek medical attention if you notice brain matter on the tissue, contract Pica, Blaschko Lines, or Jumping Frenchman Disorder.

Warning: Do not re-use soiled toilet paper, store it in your pocket or within two feet of your iPhone. Do not attempt the procedure with a wire brush, sandpaper, dried leaves, or the front page of the New York Times.

Warning: Do not store the product in close proximity to tubes of toothpaste, Ben-Gay, Pep Boys Quick Lube, Leonard’s Radiator Repair Paste, Fiesta’s Hot Sauce, silicone bathtub sealer, and shower caulking or Crazy Glue.

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