I’ve dropped out of the job market. I give up. I’m not retired. And it’s not that I don’t need the money anymore. I do. But I need intro-cranial bleeding, high blood pressure, and assaults on my dignity a lot less. So, I’ve adopted Howard Beale’s 1976 rant from “Network:” I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore! Despite everything you read in Forbes, on LinkedIn, and in Fish & Stream, there’s something seriously wrong with the job search process today. Industry experts shrug their shoulders, claiming there are just too many people looking for work these days. Poppycock. There’s something fundamentally broken with the system.…
Great Moments in Digital History Why didn't Pheidippides just send a tweet?
If you’ve ever run a marathon, then you’re probably familiar with how the grueling 26.2 mile event originated. According to myth, the race was originated by the Greek messenger, Pheidippides, the early version of FedEx. Dispatched from the front lines at the Battle of Marathon, Pheidippides ran non-stop to Athens, bursting into the assembly exclaiming, “Nenikékamen,” or, “We have won” before collapsing and dying. Why didn’t he just send a digital message… or better yet, a tweet? The answer, of course, is that while he could have faxed or emailed the message to Athens, Twitter wasn’t invented until hundreds of years later. If he had tweeted the message and skipped…
Making Writers Great Again Trump University may be closed, but it's not too late to write like a reality star
Folks, I’m very, very, very pleased to announce the grand opening of my Donald J. Trump Writers Workshop. Together, we will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come. We will face challenges, we will confront hardships… wait a minute. That’s my inaugural speech, not my Writers Workshop introduction. Shit. Let me try it again. Folks, I’m very, very, very pleased to announce the grand opening of my Donald J. Trump Writers Workshop. This is going to be huge. And, believe me, you’re gonna love it, people. You’re gonna love it. Just like my sucessful popular Trump University, the Trump Writers Workshop will help…
On Becoming a Successful Writer Everything you need to know to guarantee your success as a writer
Do you have a book in you? Most people think they do. Sometimes, more than one. If you’re ready to become a best-selling writer, take a moment to review the steps below. These are just a few of hundreds behind successfully selling books. The steps below are divided into four areas: Before you begin writing, Developing your manuscript, Marketing and Follow-up and maintenance. The suggestions aren’t necessarily in order, so pick and choose which ones you want to use, and when to use them. The important thing is let technology and social media work for you behind the scenes, while you focus on other efforts that require in-person visits. Getting…
How Shall I Say This? How to craft killer resumes and cover letters that people can understand
I’m not a professional resume writer. I don’t even play one on TV. Nevertheless, as a professional writer and active job-search candidate, I’ve learned a few things about how to craft killer resumes and cover letters, beginning with our vernacular… that’s a fancy word for the language or dialect spoken by ordinary people in a particular country or region. How we obfuscate the English language One reason why recruiters and hiring managers have caved into Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) is having to wade through hundreds of resumes that use trite, lifeless terms like utilize, monetize and re-contextualize. Words we never speak or write in our common conversations with other people.…