The United States Supreme Court today has dramatically altered the course of American healthcare and individual liberties by banning all forms of cosmetic surgery nationwide. This landmark ruling, emerging in the wake of the divisive Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case, signals a seismic shift in the intersection of medical practice, personal choice, and legal governance. The new Medina v. Callahan ruling casts a wide net, encompassing everything from breast augmentations and liposuctions to the more specialized and emerging surgeries such as penile enhancements and labiaplasties. The ban abruptly halted an industry that was not just thriving, but booming, with over 10 million procedures annually. Justice Elaine Booker, in…
Ever eat a pine tree? Many parts are edible!
Euell Gibbons was an outdoorsman and early health food advocate who promoted eating wild foods during the 1960s. He was a forager and became an expert on the nourishment aspects of survival in the wilderness. He was also known for his Grape-Nuts cereal commercials in the 1970s. Much to his chagrin, Euell was given a new weekly podcast where he entertained callers’ questions, followed by his unique approach to dispensing sound nutritional advice. The kind that originates on a forest floor, not in a nutritionist’s office. Let’s listen in… Well, I’ll be! Welcome, you good-for-nothings, to another episode of “Foraging for Your Life” where we talk about real food, not…
Speed Eating It's not just for breakfast anymore!
“I’m on that new diet where you eat everything in under three minutes, then spend the rest of the night wondering if that was really a meal.” In a world where diet advice comes as fast as food in a drive-thru, could the secret to weight loss be as simple as eating your meals at warp speed? The concept of Speed Eating is leaving researchers breathless with excitement and skepticism. Recent studies suggest that Speed Eating — inhaling your food at a pace comparable to a vacuum cleaner at a confetti factory — might be the unsung hero in the battle against the bulge and blood sugar spikes. Krista Varady, a professor of nutrition at…
Confessions of a Burned-Out Life Coach I’m too tired to think of a flashy sub-title
Ah, life…that grand old waltz we all stumble through with the grace of an elephant on roller skates. It’s a constant uphill battle. Everyone’s trying to grab their piece of the pie while spouting off inspirational quotes as if they’re some sort of magical cure-all for the drudgery of existence. Well, let me tell you something, bucko: life is about as easy as herding cats in a fish market. That’s right. And the sooner you learn that the grindstone doesn’t play favorites, the sooner you’ll get a taste of life’s bitter fruit. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not here to rain on your parade. I’ve just been around the…
Skip Happens Unraveling the History and Myths of Skipping
In the beginning, there was walking. Then, an inebriated caveman was late, rushing home to his wife, and Bingo!, The world was introduced to the art of skipping. As time went on, skipping became the preferred mode of transportation for Sasquatch, the Loch Ness Monster, the Mongolian Death Worm, and giddy children all over the world. Eventually, skipping found its way to the annals of nursery rhymes and schoolyard chants. The rest, as they say, is history. The History of Skipping Legend has it that skipping made its grand entrance to North America aboard a fleet of Puritan ships while sailing the Transatlantic Tradewind Crossing from the United Kingdom. They landed…