Original Premise: Ben-Hur (1959) – The Chariot Race
Judah Ben-Hur and Messala’s thunderous chariot race in the Circus Maximus, filled with heart-stopping collisions, ruthless tactics, and breathtaking stunt work, remains one of the most thrilling and iconic action sequences ever filmed.
Opening Scene
The Circus Maximus – The Annual Fourth of July Chariot Race
The Roman crowd roars as the chariots line up at the starting gate. Vendors wander through the stands selling suspiciously modern snacks. One man hawks “Centurion Style,” popcorn (whatever that means) while another peddles “Authentic Coliseum Nachos.” A sign behind them reads, “NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY.”
Messala and Ben-Hur glare at each other from their chariots paused at the starting line. Messala’s wheels have intimidating titanium spikes jutting out from around the circumference of each wheel. Ben-Hur’s chariot is a Tesla all-electric model. A Roman official steps forward, raising a massive green flag with the words “GO FAST OR GET TRAMPLED” painted on it.
A slave with a sundial shouts, “It’s GO time!” The flag drops. The chariots explode forward.
Messala: You don’t stand a chance, Ben-Hur. My chariot is engineered for maximum speed and destruction.
Ben-Hur: Surely you can’t be serious.
Messala: I am serious. And don’t call me Shirley!
Roman Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, we have our first crash! Gaius Septimius Drusus’ wheel fell off, showing the crowd impressive form, but questionable execution. A Roman judge holds up a placard indicating individual scores for difficulty of routine, and form & technique, and precision, for a Total Score of 15.766.
A rival charioteer tries to whip his horses but realizes he’s holding a overcooked spaghetti noodle. The horses eat it mid-race.
Messala: You’re finished, Ben-Hur!
Ben-Hur: That’s what my proctologist told me, but here I am!
Another competitor flips his chariot, miraculously landing on a competitor’s chariot, where they continue racing together in the first Paired Chariot division.
Roman Announcer: And we are down to three competitors!
Spectator 1: What happened to all the others?
Spectator 2: I think they discovered gravity. Or gravity discovered them.
A Roman centurion stands at the track’s edge, writing citations for reckless driving. He hands one to Ben-Hur.
Centurion: You were going way over the limit.
Ben-Hur: What limit?
Centurion: I don’t know, but something just didn’t feel right.
Messala: Say goodbye, Ben-Hur!
Messala yanks the reins violently. His team of horses turn left. The chariot turns right.
Messala: Oooh… This seems suboptimal.
He vanishes into the stands, and was never seen again.
Ben-Hur crosses the finish line, barely dodging a rogue banner that said, “Equus Assurance – Comprehensive chariot, cavalry, and horse insurance, covering runaway incidents, racing injuries, and the odd centaur-related mishap.“
Roman Announcer: And the winner is… JUDAH BEN-HUR!
Denouement and Closing Scene
Judah Ben-Hur, fresh off his Best Charioteer in a Coliseum Action Performance Role, returns home expecting the worst but instead finds his mother and sister miraculously cured of acne without any co-payments required! As thunder rumbles over Golgotha, Judah gazes dramatically into the distance at the crucifixion of Christ, realizing that forgiveness is the ultimate flex.
Next up: Raging Fool