Original Premise: The Shawshank Redemption (1994) – Andy’s Escape
Andy Dufresne crawling through 500 yards of raw sewage to escape Shawshank Prison, and emerging in the rain with arms outstretched, is pure cinematic catharsis.
Opening Scene
The grim corridors of Shawshank Prison bathed in the flickering glow of faulty fluorescent lights. Rain drums against the walls like a bad jazz solo. Andy Dufresne (pronounced DOO-FREZZ-NEE) kneels beside an open sewer pipe, wearing a poncho he stole from the prison gift shop. The pipe itself is large, ominous, and suspiciously labeled, “Not an Exit (Seriously, Don’t).”
A janitor wheels by, whistling. He stops, looks down at Andy, then at the gaping pipe.
Janitor: You after something, or are you just sightseeing?
Andy: Freedom.
Janitor: Ah. Second left, past the vending machine.
Andy nods, then stares into the abyss of the tunnel. He exhales deeply, adjusts his snorkel, and climbs in.
Inside the Sewer Pipe
Andy crawls through the darkness, pushing past mysterious floating objects that have no business existing in a sewer. A rubber chicken bobs past him. A fully inflated beach ball rolls by unimpeded. A message in a bottle floats by written in handwriting, “If found, please return to Alcatraz Prison.”
Somewhere behind him, a loud sloshing noise. Andy turns. “Red” is sitting behind him, wearing reading glasses and flipping through a crossword puzzle.
Andy: Red?
Red: Andy.
Andy: What are you doing here?
Red: This is the express lane. The warden had it installed after his last three escapes took too long.
Andy: I thought you had years left on your sentence.
Red: I do. But the warden gave me a coupon.
Andy: A coupon?? Surely you can’t be serious!
Red: I am. And don’t call me Shirley.
He holds up a coupon that says, “One Free Escape – Redeemable Until Caught.”
Andy sighs and keeps crawling. The tunnel suddenly branches into three separate directions. Signs above the exits point to: “Freedom,” “Certain Doom,” and “Gift Shop.” Andy hesitates, then chooses the path marked “Freedom.”
From the darkness, an unseen voice.
Voice: Ooooh, wrong choice.
Andy backtracks and takes the one marked “Gift Shop” instead.
Exit of the Sewer Pipe
Andy emerges from the tunnel and face-plants into the mud. Rain pours down. He staggers to his feet, rips off the poncho, and stretches his arms in dramatic victory.
A bright neon sign above him blinks: “You Escaped! Now Try Our Famous Chicken and Waffles.”
Red steps out behind him cleans off his shoes, and looks around.
Red: You were right. Rain is expected tonight.
Andy breathes deeply. Then freezes. A prison guard stands next to him, clipboard in hand, checking off names.
Guard: Alright, who forgot to sign out?
Andy bolts.
Red strolls to a waiting bus with a sign that says, “Escapee Shuttle – Next Stop: Anywhere but Here.” He tips the driver a pack of cigarettes and steps aboard.
The camera pans up as the rain intensifies. In the distance, a group of prisoners is conga-lining out of the sewer while a marching band plays “Don’t Stop Believin’.”
Denouement and Closing Scene
A janitor sighs, wheels out a sign, and places it at the tunnel exit:
Temporarily Closed for Cleaning
Next up: Thelma & Louise Against Gravity