Original Premise: Forrest Gump (1994) – “Run, Forrest, Run!”
As young Forrest, previously unable to walk without braces, breaks into a full sprint, shattering his leg supports, it becomes a triumphant and emotional turning point.
Opening Scene
A dusty Alabama road stretches into the distance. Forrest, no more than a boy, stands awkwardly on the sidewalk, his legs encased in massive braces that look like a hybrid between scaffolding and a small radio tower.
A gang of bullies on bicycles, each wearing matching jackets that read “Future Convicts of America”, pedals toward him.
Bully #1: Well, look who it is. If it ain’t the Tin Man’s understudy.
Bully #2: Hey, Forrest! How’s life in the junkyard?
Forrest shifts uncomfortably as Jenny stands nearby, clutching a lunchbox featuring an oddly prophetic image of a marathon runner.
Jenny: Run, Forrest, run!
Forrest blinks.
Forrest: Jenny, I am legally classified as heavy machinery. Running is not a setting I come with.
The bullies rev their bikes aggressively—despite bicycles having no engines.
Forrest sighs, takes a deep breath, and takes off.
His first step sounds like a submarine surfacing through a scrapyard. The braces shudder and emit a metallic groan reminiscent of the Titanic’s final moments.
The braces explode off his legs like a NASA launch. One piece knocks over a mailbox. Another soars into orbit, circling the Hubble Space Telescope.
Forrest suddenly rockets forward at an ungodly speed.
The bullies screech to a halt, eyes wide.
Bully #3: Did… did he just break the sound barrier?
Bully #2: Either that, or he’s late for a dentist’s appointment.
Forrest blazes past a speed trap. A cop clocks him at 275 mph, writes a speeding ticket, then watches in silent awe.
Forrest runs through a cornfield, emerging with a perfectly tailored suit made entirely of corn husks. He dashes through a bakery, and when he exits, he’s covered in sourdough bread and croutons.
A passing jogger sees him, rips off his own fitness tracker, and hurls it into the abyss.
The bullies have long since disappeared. Jenny watches in disbelief.
Jenny: Wow. I hope he remembers to stop.
Denouement and Closing Scene
Forrest does not remember to stop.
We cut to a montage of him running through:
— A football field, where he scores 45 touchdowns in a single run.
— The New York City Marathon, where he takes first place in under 30 seconds.
— The entire length of the Great Wall of China. Twice!
— The International Space Station’s orbit, where a bewildered astronaut sees him circling outside and quickly locks the hatch.
Finally, Forrest skids to a stop right back in front of Jenny, panting.
Forrest: Whew. I feel like I just ran across three decades and an entire film franchise.
Jenny hands him a Red Bull.
Jenny: So… you gonna slow down now?
Forrest thinks long and hard.
Forrest: Nah. I kinda like the wind in my hair.
Next up: Titanic Love Story on a Door