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Alien Chestburster Chaos In space no one can hear you scream laugh fart or sneeze

Original Premise: Alien (1979) – The Chestburster Scene
A quiet meal among the crew turns into pure horror as an alien creature violently erupts from Kane’s chest. The shock, the gore, and the sheer terror made this an all-time great.

Opening Scene

A dimly lit mess hall aboard the spaceship Nostromo. The crew sits around a steel table, eating a meal that looks suspiciously like 1978 high school cafeteria food.

Kane chews with great enthusiasm, despite everyone else eying his food suspiciously.

Dallas: So, Kane, how’s the stomach? Feeling better?

Kane: Oh yeah, much better. You know, just your standard violent space illness followed by sudden and complete recovery. Classic thing.

Ripley: That’s not a thing.

Parker: Hey, let the man enjoy his meal. This might be the last hot food we—

Suddenly Kane starts choking and gripping his chest as if a tax auditor showed up unannounced on his wedding night.

Lambert: Kane, are you okay?!

Knocking over everyone’s drinks, a nearby cat, Jonesy, watches indifferently.

Ash: He’s convulsing! We have to get this man to Orbitcare!

Parker: Orbitcare? What is it?

Ash: It’s a big floating medical facility with patients, but that’s not important right now

Kane suddenly stops shaking, looks up, and takes a deep breath.

Kane: Phew. False alarm. I thought I was dying, but turns out I just ate too fast. You ever swallow Thermostabilized Beef  in zero gravity? Feels like—URRRK!

Kane convulses as a tiny alien bursts out of his chest, screeches, and dramatically stretches like a man waking up from a 12-hour nap.

Ripley: Okay, I know that’s not normal.

Dallas: Yeah, that seems weird.

Kane looks down at the alien in his chest, blinking.

Kane: Sooo, I assume this is covered under the company’s health insurance?

Ash: Only if you filled out Form 7B-92B for pre-existing conditions before we left Earth.

Kane goes completely limp. The chestburster looks around, nods politely, and immediately dons a tiny fedora. It begins to tap dance across the table.

Parker: Alright, so do we—do we kill it, or do we let it finish the routine?

The chestburster dramatically throws its hat into the air, catches it, and ends with a jazz hands pose.

Ripley: Oh, we are so screwed.

The chestburster bolts across the table, knocking over a salt shaker before vanishing into an air vent.

Dallas: Well, that can’t be good.

Parker: No, no, it’s fine. We’ll just wait it out, right? Little guy probably just needs to use the restroom.

A loud, distant voice echoes from the ship’s intercom:

Mother (the ship’s AI): Attention, crew. Small parasitic creature detected. Recommended response: panic immediately. I repeat, panic immediately.

They all stare at each other.

Dallas: Nobody panic.

The chestburster suddenly reappears, now wearing a tiny police uniform and holding a miniature notepad.

Chestburster: Alright, listen up, folks. One of you is gonna get eaten first, and I gotta be honest… it’s not looking good for the cat.

Jonesy hisses.

Ripley: Absolutely not.

The chestburster shrugs and leaps back into the vent.

Dallas: Alright, I’m just gonna say it. We’re gonna need a bigger spaceship.

Denouement and Closing Scene

The crew frantically searches for the now fully grown alien but comically misinterprets every possible clue. Parker finds a trail of green slime, leftover from a Ghostbusters sequel they shot last week, and follows it in the wrong direction. Ripley opens a closet and Jonesy the cat jumps out wearing a tiny chestburster costume just to mess with her.

Jonesy: Gotcha!!

Meanwhile, the alien, now wearing reading glasses, quietly works on a Sudoku puzzle while in the air ducts.

Alien: Man, they really suck at this.

Next up: The Gladiator’s Half-Time Show

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