Back in the day, job hunting was a numbers game. You cranked out a halfway decent resume, sent it to as many companies as possible, and waited for the inevitable cycle: rejection, rejection, rejection, then accidental hire. Persistence was key. Originality was not. But today it’s a whole different ballgame.
Technology has turned the job market into a digital gladiator arena. And, the gatekeeper to your dream job isn’t even human. It’s an algorithm. Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) have been the norm for years, scanning resumes for keywords, filtering out the “unqualified,” and eliminating 75% of applicants before any human has the chance to be unimpressed.
But fear not, job seekers, for artificial intelligence has come to the rescue. With tools like ChatGPT, job applicants can now craft tailored resumes in a matter of minutes! Resumes that speak directly to each employer, job description, and industry. Whether you’re going for a resume with grandiloquence or a surfer dude’s chill-yet-competent vibe, there’s a resume style that can get you noticed. Not necessarily hired, but noticed.
We’ll begin with a copy of my old, tired resume, followed by five uniquely tailored versions. Each designed for a specific audience, industry, or vibe.
My Old Tired Resume Format
Allen Roger Smith
Phone: (970) 390-3717 | Email: | Oceanside, CA
Website: | LinkedIn:
Creating stunning websites and social media posts, using WordPress, Facebook, LinkedIn, and relevant tools, writing eye-catching SEO content for your marketing and content analysis, fluent in dozens of applications, including Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, WordPress, Adobe Acrobat, SurveyMonkey, Adobe Photoshop, Dropbox, Google Docs, and Skype
San Diego State University, American Society of Journalists and Authors, Association of Ghostwriters, American Writers & Artists, Inc.
Gotham Ghostwriters, New York, NY – Ghostwriter (Jan 2019 – Present) Ghostwriter for nationally recognized book ghostwriting company
The Leaf Group, Santa Monica CA – Writer (Oct 2018 – Present) Wrote original health and wellness articles for LIVESTRONG.COM. Reviewed, edited and re-wrote existing articles, bringing them up to current standards, Oceanside, CA – Writer (Oct 2004 – Present) Published 8 books and thousands of articles for print, the web and social media. Featured work on NBC News (Denver), ABC’s The View, KYSL Radio, TV8 Vail. Published in The Writer Magazine, The Denver Post, The Vail Daily, The Aspen Times, The Professional Skier. Three-time award winning columnist for “America’s Funniest Humor”. Award winner, Best Humor Book, Colorado Independent Publishers Association – 2014
Colorado Mountain College, Edwards, CO – (Sep 2015 – Sep 2016) Tutored college level writing students in proper grammar usage and completing weekly writing assignments
Demand Media, Inc. – Santa Monica, CA – Freelance Writer (Jan 2005 – Jan 2010) Founding writer for Lance Armstrong’s wellness website, LIVESTRONG.COM, contributor to, contributor to – Gear Editor (Jan 2006 – May 2009) Contributor and editor to the most visited winter outdoors website in the country.
So, why hire me?
Allen Roger Smith is a one-of-a-kind, once-in-a-lifetime, undeniably irreplaceable writing force. His extensive background, impressive accolades, and deeply questionable self-confidence make him the perfect addition to any project requiring an expert storyteller. Hire him today!
Using the Grandiloquent & Ornate ChatGPT Resume Builder
Phone: (970) 390-3717 | Email: | Oceanside, CA
Website: | LinkedIn:
A sovereign architect of the digital cosmos, I wield the alchemical instruments of WordPress, Facebook, LinkedIn, and a pantheon of relevant technological constructs to conjure radiant beacons of web-based transcendence and social media resonance. My command of SEO alchemy infuses each crafted syllable with an eternal cadence, ensuring that marketing lexicon ascends to a celestial odyssey of engagement. With an empyreal grasp of myriad applications—including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat, SurveyMonkey, Adobe Photoshop, Dropbox, Google Docs, and Skype—I orchestrate a symphonic vision of seamless digital mastery, manifesting an immutable legacy of operational fluidity and cascading enlightenment.
San Diego State University, American Society of Journalists and Authors, Association of Ghostwriters, American Writers & Artists, Inc.
Gotham Ghostwriters, New York, NY – Ghostwriter (Jan 2019 – Present) Entrusted with the formidable task of conjuring literary phantasmagoria for a nationally revered bastion of ghostwriting excellence, breathes ineffable grandeur into manuscripts that stand as towering obelisks of conceptual apotheosis.
The Leaf Group, Santa Monica, CA – Writer (Oct 2018 – Present) Tasked with the exalted ambition of distilling the luminous paradigm of health and wellness into a resonant ideal, craft narratives that ascend beyond mere textual constructs, sculpting an enduring splendor of knowledge dissemination. Through meticulous editorial refinement, elevates archaic compositions to a prismatic innovation of contemporary wisdom.
ALLENRSMITH.COM, Oceanside, CA – Writer (Oct 2004 – Present) The ascendant pinnacle of my creative odyssey, this celestial tapestry bears the imprint of eight bound volumes and a myriad of ephemeral transcendences in the form of articles gracing both terrestrial print and the digital empyrean. Illustrious arc extends across NBC News (Denver), ABC’s The View, with gilded epochs of publication in The Writer Magazine, The Denver Post. Lauded thrice in the domain of mirth as an award-winning columnist for America’s Funniest Humor, oeuvre also ascended to the aspirational apex of Best Humor Book by the Colorado Independent Publishers Association in 2014.
Colorado Mountain College – Writing Tutor (Sep 2015 – Sep 2016) Imparting the cascading inspiration of linguistic mastery, guided collegiate aspirants through the transcendental framework of syntactical brilliance, ensuring their prose attained an enlightened panorama of coherence and artistry.
Demand Media, Inc., Santa Monica, CA – Freelance Writer (Jan 2005 – Jan 2010) As a foundational cornerstone of Lance Armstrong’s LIVESTRONG.COM, constructed a luminous frontier of wellness-oriented discourse. Contributions to and further reinforced immutable legacy as a harbinger of digital wisdom. – Gear Editor (Jan 2006 – May 2009) A sovereign arbiter of alpine enlightenment, curated the celestial harmony of winter sports discourse for the nation’s most revered digital bastion of mountainous pursuits.
Why, pray, shouldst thou deign to enlist my unparalleled services?
Allen Roger Smith is not merely a writer but a luminary within the grand theater of linguistic transcendence. His sovereign ingenuity, philosophical pinnacle, and unparalleled foresight render him an indispensable beacon of conceptual brilliance. Enlist his gilded aspiration is to summon the eternal cadence of literary magnificence forthwith!
Using the Southern Drawl ChatGPT Resume Builder
Phone: (970) 390-3717 | Email: Oceanside, CA
Website: LinkedIn:
Puttin’ together mighty fine websites an’ social media posts usin’ WordPress, Facebook, LinkedIn, an’ all them other newfangled tools. Writin’ up eye-poppin’, SEO-boostin’ content fer marketin’ an’ content analyzin’. Knows his way ‘round a heap o’ programs like Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPress, Adobe Acrobat, SurveyMonkey, Adobe Photoshop, Dropbox, Google Docs, an’ Skype.
San Diego State University, American Society of Journalists and Authors, Association of Ghostwriters, American Writers & Artists, Inc.
Gotham Ghostwriters, New York, NY – Ghostwriter (Jan 2019 – Present) Scribblin’ words fer some high-falutin’ ghostwritin’ outfit up yonder in New York.
The Leaf Group, Santa Monica, CA – Writer (Oct 2018 – Present) Turnin’ out health an’ wellness articles fer LIVESTRONG.COM. Cleanin’ up an’ revivin’ old articles so they shine brighter’n a new penny.
ALLENRSMITH.COM, Oceanside, CA – Writer (Oct 2004 – Present) Done wrote 8 books an’ more articles than a possum’s got fleas, fer print, web, an’ social media. Work featured on NBC News (Denver), ABC’s The View, KYSL Radio, TV8 Vail. Published in The Writer Magazine, The Denver Post, The Vail Daily, The Aspen Times, The Professional Skier. Three-time award-winnin’ columnist fer America’s Funniest Humor. Snagged the Best Humor Book award from the Colorado Independent Publishers Association in 2014.
Writin’ Tutor – Colorado Mountain College (Sep 2015 – Sep 2016)
Helpin’ college young’uns git their grammar straight an’ their writin’ polished up right.
Demand Media, Inc. – Santa Monica, CA – Freelance Writer (Jan 2005 – Jan 2010)
Helped kick off Lance Armstrong’s wellness website, LIVESTRONG.COM. Contributor to an’
Gear Editor for (Jan 2006 – May 2009)
Wrote an’ edited content fer the most-visited winter outdoors website in the whole dadgum country.
Why in tarnation wouldn’t ya wanna hire me?
Allen Roger Smith is a one-of-a-kind, once-in-a-lifetime, undeniably irreplaceable writin’ force. His deep well o’ experience, armload o’ awards, an’ knack fer spinnin’ a good yarn make him the best pick fer any project needin’ a top-tier storyteller. Hire him today!
Using the Elmer Fudd ChatGPT Resume Builder
Awwen Wogew Smif
Phone: (970) 390-3717 | Emaiw: | Oceanside, CA Website: | Winkedin:
Cweating stunning websites and sociaw media posts, using WowdPwess, Facebook, Winkedin, and wewevant toows, wwiting eye-catching, SEO content fow youw mawketing and content anawysis, fwuent in dozens of appwications, incwuding Micwosoft Wowd, Excew, Powewpoint, WowdPwess, Adobe Acwobat, SuwveyMonkey, Adobe Photoshop, Dwopbox, Googwe Docs, and Skype.
San Diego State Univewsity, Amewican Society of Jouwnawists and Authows, Association of Ghostwwitews, Amewican Wwitews & Awtists, Inc.
Gotham Ghostwwitews, New Yowk, NY – Ghostwwitew (Jan 2019 – Pwesent)
Ghostwwitew fow nationawwy wecognized book ghostwwiting company.
The Weaf Gwoup, Santa Monica CA – Wwitew (Oct 2018 – Pwesent)
Wwote owiginaw heawf and wewwness awwticwes fow WIVESTWONG.COM. Weviewed, edited and we-wote existing awwticwes, bwinging dem up to cuwwent standawds.
AWWENWSMIF.COM, Oceanside, CA – Wwitew (Oct 2004 – Pwesent)
Pubwished 8 books and thousands of awwticwes fow pwint, da web and sociaw media. Featuwed wowk on NBC News (Denvah), ABC’s Da View, KYSW Wadio, TV8 Vaiw. Pubwished in Da Wwitew Magazine, Da Denvah Post, Da Vaiw Daiwy, Da Aspen Times, Da Pwofessionaw Skiew. Thwee-time award-winning cowumnist fow “Amewica’s Funniest Humo.” Award winnuh, Best Humo Book, Cowowado Independent Pubwishews Association – 2014.
Cowowado Mountain Cowwege – Wwiting Tutow – (Sep 2015 – Sep 2016)
Tutowed cowwege-wevew wwiting students in pwopew gwammuh usage and compweting weekwy wwiting assignments.
DEMAND MEDIA, INC. – Santa Monica, CA – Fweewance Wwitew (Jan 2005 – Jan 2010) Founding wwitew fow Wance Awmstwong’s wewwness website, WIVESTWONG.COM, contwibutow to, contwibutow to – Geaw Editow (Jan 2006 – May 2009)
Contwibutow and editow to da most visited wintew outdoow website in da countwy.
Why entwaust such a task to wittwe owd me?
Awwen Wogew Smif is a one-of-a-kind, once-in-a-wifetime, undenyiabwy iwwepwaceabwe wwiting fowce. His extensive backgwound, impwessive accowades, and deepwy questionabwe sewf-confidence make him da pewfect addition to any pwoject wequiwuhing an expewt stowytellew. Hiwuh him today!
Using the Valley Girl ChatGPT Resume Builder
Phone: (970) 390-3717 | Email: | Oceanside, CA
Website: OMG, check it! | LinkedIn: So profesh!
Okaaay, so like, literally the best at making websites and social media posts that are, like, totally rad, using WordPress, Facebook, LinkedIn, and all those, like, techie things. Writing? Bitchin’! It’s, like, SO SEO-friendly, and totally analyze content like a pro. Seriously fluent in a mondo amount of apps—like, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPress, Adobe Acrobat, SurveyMonkey (lol, right?), Adobe Photoshop, Dropbox, Google Docs, and even, like, Skype! OMG. Who even Skypes anymore?
San Diego State University (Totally legit!), American Society of Journalists and Authors – Fer sure, so credible, Association of Ghostwriters – Spooky good, American Writers & Artists, Inc. – Legit awesome
Gotham Ghostwriters – New York, NY – Ghostwriter (Jan 2019 – Present) Like, OMG, literally write books for famous peeps. No big deal. (JK, totally a big deal.)
The Leaf Group – Santa Monica, CA – Writer (Oct 2018 – Present) wrote, like, hella lot of health and wellness articles for LIVESTRONG.COM. Also, go back and make old ones less, you know, lame.
ALLENRSMITH.COM – Oceanside, CA – Writer (Oct 2004 – Present) Like, wrote eight whole books and thousands of articles! Stuff has been on, like, NBC News, ABC’s The View, KYSL Radio, TV8 Vail—ya know, right?!? Been in The Writer Magazine, The Denver Post, The Vail Daily, The Aspen Times, and The Professional Skier. Oh, and, like, NBD, but totally won three “America’s Funniest Humor” awards. Even bagged a Best Humor Book award from the Colorado Independent Publishers Association in 2014. Majorly awesome.
Colorado Mountain College, Edwards, CO – Writing Tutor (Sep 2015 – Sep 2016) Helped, like, college kids not sound like total airheads in their essays. So crucial.
Demand Media, Inc. – Santa Monica, CA – Freelance Writer (Jan 2005 – Jan 2010) Was, like, one of the OG writers for Lance Armstrong’s LIVESTRONG.COM! Also wrote for and, so yeah, basically knows everything about everything! – Gear Editor (Jan 2006 – May 2009) Reviewed gear for the most ever popular winter sports site. Total ski bunny vibes.
So, like, why hire me?
Like, duh! A totally one-of-a-kind, once-in-a-lifetime writing powerhouse. Creds? So legit! Awards? Radical. Personality? Like, the best! If you don’t hire him, like, gag me with a spoon—you’re seriously missing out. So, like, let’s chat, yeah? Outie!
Using the Surfer Dude ChatGPT Resume Builder
Phone: (970) 390-3717 | Email: | Oceanside, CA
Website: | LinkedIn: allenrogersmith
Got a gnarly quiver of skills when it comes to crafting epic websites and social media vibes—whether it’s WordPress, Facebook, or LinkedIn, totally rip. Wave warrior also lays down primo SEO-juiced content that’ll have your marketing shredding harder than a dawn patrol barrel sesh. When it comes to tech, got a whole arsenal—Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPress, Adobe Acrobat, SurveyMonkey, Photoshop, Dropbox, Google Docs, and even Skype for those digital surf reports.
San Diego State University, American Society of Journalists and Authors, Association of Ghostwriters, American Writers & Artists, Inc.
Gotham Ghostwriters, New York, NY – Ghostwriter (Jan 2019 – Present) Slapping down words like a pro on some heavy-hitting book projects for this primo ghostwriting squad. If words were waves, this dude’s in the green room every time.
The Leaf Group, Santa Monica, CA – Writer (Oct 2018 – Present) Droppin’ gnarly health and wellness articles for LIVESTRONG.COM, plus overhaulin’ old content like a seasoned surfboard shaper bringin’ an old stick back to life.
ALLENRSMITH.COM, Oceanside, CA – Writer (Oct 2004 – Present) Hang ten, ‘cause this wave rider’s published eight books and thousands of articles, all while snaggin’ barrels in the publishing world. Featured on NBC News (Denver), ABC’s The View, KYSL Radio, and TV8 Vail. Print creds? The Writer Magazine, The Denver Post, The Vail Daily, The Aspen Times, The Professional Skier. Three-time award-winning columnist for America’s Funniest Humor.
Winner, Best Humor Book, Colorado Independent Publishers Association – 2014.
Colorado Mountain College – Writing Tutor (Sep 2015 – Sep 2016) Helpin’ young groms master the art of stringin’ together radical sentences, clean cutbacks on grammar, and boosting their essays off the lip.
Demand Media, Inc. – Santa Monica, CA – Freelance Writer (Jan 2005 – Jan 2010) Founding bro at Lance Armstrong’s LIVESTRONG.COM, plus contributor to and Spreading wisdom like an offshore breeze. – Gear Editor (Jan 2006 – May 2009) Tested and reviewed winter gear for the most shred-ready winter site out there. Think of it like surf reviews, but for snowboards and skis instead of thrusters and fish boards.
So, why you need this dude on your team
This gnarly dude is, like, the big kahuna of wordsmithing, a literary wave-crusher who’s been carving his way through the publishing scene with the same effortless style as a pro laying down a buttery smooth cutback. He’s got the creds, the awards, and the talent to take your project to epic heights. So, don’t be a total kook—snag this writing shredder before the next set rolls in. Mahalo and see you in the lineup!
Your resume doesn’t have to be a soulless document filled with corporate jargon. It can be infused with personality, humor, and strategic creativity to align with the job, the industry, and make you stand out in a crowd. It’s about making an impression. Whether you’re aiming for the grandiloquent scholar, or the laid-back surfer bro, there’s a resume style that can get you hired!