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Unlock Your Creativity AI Tools for Stunning Visuals

I’ve been a rabid fan of AI and ChatGPT since it hit the masses. As someone who’s also crafted award-winning humor for over 20 years, I’m always on the lookout for a “magic bullet” that will help inspire my next piece. What many people don’t know is behind every great humor yarn lies tons of research, a healthy helping of incongruity, and a bit of visual flair to drive home the message. ChatGPT is perfect for all of them.

With the release of ChatGPT 4.0, DALL-E has become an essential tool in my creative process, alongside other multimedia tools like Hedra, Faceswapper, CGDream, OpenArt and even SUNO for music. Whether you’re working on an article, podcast, book, YouTube video, or social media post, these tools can help capture your reader’s attention with stunning images that elevate the quality of your work.

I’ve included a link below to a video collection of DALL-E images, enhanced with Hedra, Faceswapper, CGDream, and OpenArt. Each and every image (and hundreds more) was crafted to enhance and support articles I’ve published, as well as a new book, “Laughing Bytes: ChatGPT and the Digitalization of Humor” yet to be published. Many of them were created by a single prompt! And there’s a story behind each and every one.

I hope these visuals energize you as much as they have me! Give them a try!

No More Dog’s Dinner!

Leonardo da Vinci and Clark Kent Search for the First Home Depot

P.S. Are you interested in learning more about writing humor articles using ChatGPT? Check out my site, “Laughing-Bytes” for twelve easy lessons on how to write great AI humor articles.

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