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Mood Adjusting Deodorant Changes Scents For A Whiff of Change

San Francisco, CA – In an exciting leap forward for personal care, FreshScent Innovations is proud to announce the launch of MoodMatch®, a revolutionary scent-adjusting deodorant that changes fragrance based on the wearer’s mood. This innovative product promises to transform daily hygiene routines by adding a dynamic, personalized touch.

MoodMatch® deodorant will be available starting July 15, 2024, and offers a unique blend of technology and personal care, ensuring that individuals can stay fresh while expressing their inner emotions through their scent.

“At FreshScent Innovations, we believe that personal care should be both functional and expressive,” said Amanda Reed, CEO of FreshScent Innovations. “With MoodMatch®, we are merging cutting-edge technology with everyday essentials, allowing people to experience their day in a new, olfactory-enhanced way. This deodorant is designed to adapt to your emotions, making it a truly personalized experience.”

MoodMatch® deodorant features a variety of advanced technologies that set it apart:

  • MoodSense Technology: This proprietary technology contains embedding under-arm and forehead biosensors to detect changes in the wearer’s emotional state, adjusting the scent accordingly.
  • Fragrance Library: A collection of specially formulated scents that correspond to different moods, including Citrus Serenade, Velvet Vanilla, and Sunlit Meadows.
  • Long-Lasting Formula: Ensures all-day protection against odor while continuously adapting the scent to the wearer’s mood.
  • Hypoallergenic Ingredients: Made from natural, dermatologist-approved ingredients suitable for all skin types.

“Our MoodSense technology is the heart of MoodMatch® deodorant.” explained Dr. Elena Vargas, Chief Scientist at FreshScent Innovations. “By integrating biosensors with our unique fragrance library, we’ve created a product that not only keeps you fresh but also mirrors your emotional journey throughout the day.”

But what about those days when you’re in a bad, lousy mood? MoodMatch® has you covered there too. When the biosensors detect signs of stress, irritation, or sadness, the deodorant will release scents like Sweaty Gym Socks, Rotten Cabbage or Smelly Dumpster, designed to help lift your spirits and provide a calming effect for those around you.

The launch of MoodMatch® is poised to make a significant impact on the personal care market, offering a novel approach to deodorant that caters to individual expression and well-being. This product is ideal for anyone looking to add a touch of personalization to their hygiene routine, providing a new way to connect with oneself and others.

MoodMatch® is perfect for anyone who wants their deodorant to do more than just combat odor,” said Michael Tan, Head of Marketing at FreshScent Innovations. “It’s about expressing your inner self and adding an extra layer of interaction to your day. Whether you’re feeling calm, energized, romantic, or even a bit down, MoodMatch® lets you wear your mood.”

To celebrate the launch, FreshScent Innovations will host a series of interactive events in major cities across the country. These events will feature live demonstrations, expert panels, and opportunities for attendees to experience the MoodMatch® technology firsthand.

For more information about MoodMatch®deodorant, including detailed product specifications and purchasing options, visit

Media Contact:
Laura Mitchell
Public Relations Manager
FreshScents Innovations
phone: +1 (555) 234-5678

About FreshScent Innovations

FreshScent Innovations is a leading company in the personal care industry, dedicated to developing products that combine advanced technology with everyday essentials. Founded in 2010, FreshScent has consistently introduced groundbreaking solutions that enhance the lives of their customers. With a commitment to innovation and quality, FreshScent Innovations continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible in personal care.



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