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IKEA Unveils Car Kits for Quick and Easy Transportation From Flat-Pack to Fast-Track

Stockholm, Sweden – In a bold and innovative move, IKEA, the multi-national conglomerate has announced the launch of its Home Car Kits,® a groundbreaking product line designed to revolutionize personal transportation. This new offering allows customers to assemble their own cars in the comfort of their living rooms, bringing IKEA’s renowned do-it-yourself ethos to the automotive industry.

Beginning August 1, 2024, the Home Car Kits® promise to deliver the ultimate in convenience, affordability, and sustainability. Each kit contains all the necessary components and tools, along with IKEA’s famous reputation for providing straightforward instructions, enabling customers to build their own fully functional vehicles.

“At IKEA, we’re always looking for new ways to empower our customers and make their lives easier,” said Ingvar Johansson, CEO of IKEA Group. “With the Home Car Kits® we are taking the concept of DIY to an entirely new level, offering an innovative and practical solution for personal transportation that aligns with our commitment to sustainability and affordability.”

The Home Car Kits® feature several unique elements designed to make assembly as seamless as possible:

  • Modular Design: Each car kit is composed of modular parts that can easily be snapped together and customized to suit individual preferences and needs.
  • Electric Powertrain: The cars are powered by an efficient electric motor, promoting environmentally friendly transportation.
  • Comprehensive Instructions: True to IKEA’s tradition, the kits come with detailed, easy-to-follow instructions printed in 70 languages, guiding users through every step of the assembly process.
  • Tool Set Included: Each kit includes all the necessary tools, ensuring that customers have everything they need to complete the build.
  • Customizable Features: Customers can choose from a range of colors, interior designs, and additional features to personalize their vehicles.

“Our Home Car Kits® are designed to be user-friendly and accessible, even for those who have never assembled anything more complex than a bookcase,” explained Lars Pettersson, Head of Product Development at IKEA. “We wanted to create a product that is not only functional and reliable but also fun to build and use.”

The launch of the Home Car Kits® is expected to have a significant impact on the automotive market, particularly for individuals seeking affordable and eco-friendly transportation solutions. The kits provide a cost-effective alternative to traditional vehicles, eliminating the barriers to car ownership like bankruptcies, habitual unemployment, and home foreclosures.

In celebration of the launch, IKEA will host a series of events at select stores worldwide, featuring live demonstrations, expert panels, and opportunities for customers to test-build cars. These events will provide an in-depth look at the Home Car Kits® and offer insights into the future of DIY transportation.

“We’re excited to introduce this innovative product to our customers,” said Johansson. “The launch events will give people a chance to see and experience the Home Car Kits® firsthand, and to understand how they can benefit from this new approach to personal transportation.”

For more information about IKEA’s Home Car Kits®, including detailed product specifications and purchasing options, visit

Media Contact:
Anna Svensson
Public Relations Manager
IKEA Group
phone: +46 8 123 4567

About IKEA

IKEA is a global leader in home furnishings, committed to creating a better everyday life for the many people. Founded in Sweden in 1943, IKEA offers a wide range of well-designed, functional home products at prices so low that as many people as possible can afford them. With a strong focus on sustainability and innovation, IKEA continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of home furnishings and beyond.

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